Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Paintings of Acadia National Park

When I get time later this year, I hope to begin a series of paintings of Acadia National Park, but this time, I will do "editions" of them.

In other words, I'll paint the same scene, same size several times, and because they'll be repetitions (or editions), they'll cost less than my one of a kind originals.

I realize that many collectors would rather have something I actually painted rather than a mechanical print, and I don't really mind painting the same thing more than once. In fact, I bet I'll get better with each iteration.

I'll probably sell most of these unframed - to keep the price down and also my frustration level, but they'll be varnished and frame ready - painted in typical stock frame sizes.

So stay tuned! I'll be offering them from my website:

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