Friday, April 9, 2010

Otter Point Acadia

I just completed a small painting of Otter Point for the summer issue of Watercolor Magazine. The article is about painting rock formations. Here is a photo of the resulting painting. My next article will be on painting trees.

See more at Lori Woodward's website:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Article in Watercolor Magazine

"Portrait of Linda" watercolor 14x11.
This painting is the subject of an upcoming article in American Artist's Watercolor Magazine, spring issue 2010.

I write a column four times a year - each issue of Watercolor. while it takes a lot of time to write and paint for these articles, it keeps me at the easel, so to speak. And having my work published is the icing on the cake!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Paintings of Acadia National Park

When I get time later this year, I hope to begin a series of paintings of Acadia National Park, but this time, I will do "editions" of them.

In other words, I'll paint the same scene, same size several times, and because they'll be repetitions (or editions), they'll cost less than my one of a kind originals.

I realize that many collectors would rather have something I actually painted rather than a mechanical print, and I don't really mind painting the same thing more than once. In fact, I bet I'll get better with each iteration.

I'll probably sell most of these unframed - to keep the price down and also my frustration level, but they'll be varnished and frame ready - painted in typical stock frame sizes.

So stay tuned! I'll be offering them from my website:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

River View

While this painting is partially made up - in other words - I recomposed the picture's elements to suit my vision of what the place should look like, it is based on a beautiful scene that is part of a campground in New Hampshire.

The mountain in the background is really there. When I do decide to make changes, I like to keep the far elements as they are. It's important to me that the mountain peaks reflect reality, but often I need to add or take away from elements in the foreground. I added the grassy path at the bottom left corner. There is a path, but not as romantically staged as this one. By having a triangular piece of land at one side of the bottom of the painting, I can keep the viewer's eye in the composition by creating a diagonal.

This painting: oil on linen, 12x16, private collection.

Here is another painting I did from Acadia National Park. This scene is at the northern head of Somes Sound - or maybe up there it is east.... always get my "down east" directions mixed up.

The beauty and composition of this scene is not exaggerated. It's what you can see from the road. There are two houses there and this is their backyard view. My friend, Diane Young, and I asked for permission to paint here. Joseph McGurl has painted this scene as well. He is an enormously capable and talented landscape painter.

This painting is in a private collection: 7x10 inches, acrylic on paper - varnished and framed like an oil painting.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Bubbles at Jordan Pond

When I'm at Acadia National Park, I often take the leisurely walk around Jordan Pond. Here is a view of "The Bubbles" at the north end of the pond. There is also a wonderful restaurant there - Jordan Pond House. It's difficult to get a parking spot!

This painting is a combination of watercolor and acrylic on 300 lb. paper. It is offered unframed, but I plan to mount it to hardboard and varnish it with UV protective varnish - so that it will not need any glass or matting.

You can see this painting on my Fine Art Website
Visit photos of Jordan Pond